HAPPY TOGETHER, 2019, oil on canvas, 162x130cm, private collection
WOMEN I LOVE, 2019, mixed media on canvas, 2X195x130cm, private collection
MORE PUPPIES, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 130x97cm
I WANT YOU, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 130x97cm
THE MASSAGE CHAIR, mixed media on canvas, 81x65cm
 DESIRE, 2018, mixed media on canvas, 195x130cm, private collection
ALL KINDS, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 120x120cm
ALL TOGETHER NOW, 2012, mixed media on canvas, 60x120cm, private collection
I WANNA HAVE FUN, 2012, oil on canvas, 60x120cm
ON YOUR YACHT, 2014, oil on canvas, 120x120cm, private collection
FUN, oil on canvas, 120x120cm
CAFETERIA TABLE, oil on canvas, 100x100cm
I AM NOT AFRAID, oil on canvas, 30x24in
MERCI MERCY, 2021, oil on canvas, 100x81cm
SEXY, 2012, oil on canvas, oil on canvas, 120x120cm
HAPPY TOGETHER, 2019, oil on canvas, 162x130cm, private collection
HAPPY TOGETHER, 2019, oil on canvas, 162x130cm, private collection
WOMEN I LOVE, 2019, mixed media on canvas, 2X195x130cm, private collection
WOMEN I LOVE, 2019, mixed media on canvas, 2X195x130cm, private collection
MORE PUPPIES, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 130x97cm
MORE PUPPIES, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 130x97cm
I WANT YOU, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 130x97cm
I WANT YOU, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 130x97cm
THE MASSAGE CHAIR, mixed media on canvas, 81x65cm
THE MASSAGE CHAIR, mixed media on canvas, 81x65cm
 DESIRE, 2018, mixed media on canvas, 195x130cm, private collection

DESIRE, 2018, mixed media on canvas, 195x130cm, private collection

ALL KINDS, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 120x120cm
ALL KINDS, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 120x120cm
ALL TOGETHER NOW, 2012, mixed media on canvas, 60x120cm, private collection
ALL TOGETHER NOW, 2012, mixed media on canvas, 60x120cm, private collection
I WANNA HAVE FUN, 2012, oil on canvas, 60x120cm
I WANNA HAVE FUN, 2012, oil on canvas, 60x120cm
ON YOUR YACHT, 2014, oil on canvas, 120x120cm, private collection
ON YOUR YACHT, 2014, oil on canvas, 120x120cm, private collection
FUN, oil on canvas, 120x120cm
FUN, oil on canvas, 120x120cm
CAFETERIA TABLE, oil on canvas, 100x100cm
CAFETERIA TABLE, oil on canvas, 100x100cm
I AM NOT AFRAID, oil on canvas, 30x24in
I AM NOT AFRAID, oil on canvas, 30x24in
MERCI MERCY, 2021, oil on canvas, 100x81cm
MERCI MERCY, 2021, oil on canvas, 100x81cm
SEXY, 2012, oil on canvas, oil on canvas, 120x120cm
SEXY, 2012, oil on canvas, oil on canvas, 120x120cm